These calculators are provided as a guide only, always refer to the manufacturers guide for the product you are using


This is a measure of the alkaline nature of the water, which at the pH encountered in swimming pools is predominantly bicarbonate. As with most things to do with pool chemistry there is a compromise situation between corrosion, scaling, sanitiser efficiency and ease of maintaining pH. The range to aim for is 80 to 150 p.p.m.

To raise total alkalinity add Alkalinity builder (Sodium Bicarbonate).
To lower total alkalinity add pH Minus

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)


A Bromine tablet weighs about 18 gms. As these slowly dissolve the free bromine level will rise as indicated by this calculator In spa baths and small domestic pools, maintain a free bromine level of 2 to 3 p.p.m. In larger more heavily used pools, or commercial pools where the bather load is higher, aim for 4 to 6 p.p.m.

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)


Calcium Hypochlorite is usually preferred for indoor pools where the effects of sunlight are less. When used outdoors, a separate stabiliser must be added to slow chlorine loss in sunlight. For sanitising, the typical free chlorine level would be 2 to 3 p.p.m. for domestic pools, 3 to 5 p.p.m for heavier used pools. 10 p.p.m or more is the shock treatment level, following which, the level should be allowed to drop below 5 p.p.m before bathers enter the water.

TIP - Add shock chlorine at night so that it can work in the dark to maintain its strength for longer.

TIP - In soft water, Calcium Hypochlorite also builds the Calcium content of the water.

NOTE - At free chlorine levels above 10 p.p.m, the water sample colour using Phenol Red test tablets may be bleached. This could give the impression there is no chlorine when there is quite a lot.

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)


This provides an easy way to add chlorine to outdoor domestic pools where the stabiliser resists the chlorine loss caused by sunlight. The typical free chlorine level would be 2 to 3 p.p.m. it is not ideally suitable for "shocking" or "Superchlorination" For this purpose we recommend Shock Chlorine.

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)


These are supplied in slow dissolving tablets of 200gm. It provides a very easy way to add chlorine to outdoor domestic pools where the stabiliser resists the chlorine loss caused by sunlight. The typical free chlorine level would be 2 to 3 p.p.m. Not suitable for "shocking" or "Superchlorination". For this purpose we recommend Shock Chlorine. This calculator shows the grammes of tablet used for each p.p.m free chlorine.

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)


The principal water hardness salts are Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate. Usually tests for hardness express the result as mg/litre (parts per million) all as Calcium Carbonate. If there is too little in your water then calcium salts from concrete, tile grout and other metals in the pool structure will dissolve in it. Soft water is therefore corrosive. Too much on the other hand will form scale. Generally the water should be kept at around 225 - 250 p.p.m as Calcium Carbonate unless your pool supplier recommends otherwise based on how it is constructed. If your test shows additions should be made, use Hardness Increase as as indicated by this calculator.

in Litres
Increase Required
ppm (mg/lt)
  Dose (gm)